Aug. 9, 2010

Help me learn about the South

The Out-of-Towner
By Susan Bradley

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I am not from here, and after five years of living here it still shows. I might draw my vowels out a tad bit more than I used to, and I even quit nagging my kids with “ain't is not a word!” It's actually been brought to my attention that “ain't” is in the dictionary now, but regrettably it's still obvious I am not an Alabamian — not even a Southerner. Slowly but surely I feel I'm starting to understand the South, but I still have some interesting, if not ridiculous, occasions.

For instance, when I first moved here I discovered this county is a dry county. I come from a small town in the northern foothills of California, and if it's a dry county then we're having a drought and it hasn't rained in nearly a year. So, sadly, when I was told that Cherokee was a dry county, I made the proper sympathetic grimace, nodded my head in understanding, and blurted out, “Oh gee…is it always this humid in the middle of a drought?” Eesh. I may know maters and taters are tomatoes and potatoes, but some of this Southern lingo takes a bit getting used to.
Regardless of some rather awkward moments, I have learned a great deal about the South. Now I know that fried green tomatoes aren't just a movie and that when someone asks you what team you root for the only correct answer is either Alabama or Auburn (not the Raiders). I also know that “The Pig” is actually a grocery store, not a famous mascot for the local area, and “nothin' but a poot in the wind” actually refers to a petite person — not someone with a flatulence problem standing upwind.

But I must say that the best part of moving here has been all that I've learned and experienced. The people here are so welcoming and friendly. I must say that Southern hospitality puts many other places to shame. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous, with the smog-free skies and green trees all year long. Hopefully no one here takes this beautiful area for granted. I also believe that some of the best cooks live here in this county.

So now I'd like to share some of these things with you from the eyes of an outsider, as a thank you. I always love having a new perspective on things (okay, usually when it's my perspective I'm pushing on someone else) and hopefully you might, too. I'm going to be roaming around this county seeking out old and new things, places, and people. In return I'd like to hear input from all of you readers so I can continue to learn more about this wonderful community. Tell me places to visit, the best places to eat, and maybe even someone can tell me where exactly “over yonder” is.

Feel free to send me an email or write me a letter. I want to know this place inside out and experience everything I possibly can. I'm looking forward to researching and discovering all you have in store for me.

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