Feb. 28, 2011

Alcohol sales in Centre only days away: Official

By Scott Wright

CENTRE — The Centre City Council last week elected to grant four applications for alcohol licenses, the first since residents voted in November to allow sales in the city of nearly 3,500.

Council members voted 6-1 in favor of granting applications to a pair of retail establishments on West Main Street — the newly opened Gridiron restaurant and the Walmart Supercenter. Two beer distributors, Supreme Beverage Co., and Birmingham Budweiser Distributing, also had their city license applications accepted Tuesday night.

Councilman Sid Garrett was not in attendance. Councilman Joe Hall was the dissenting vote.

The Council acted after Tommy Loder, the city's alcohol license review board committee chairman, recommended all four applications be accepted.

In response to a question from Councilman Glen Chandler, Mayor Tony Wilkie said he was not sure how long it would take for the state to approve the license applications for the Gridiron and Walmart.

Wilkie said the two suppliers already have state licenses.

City Clerk Mary Lee Tucker told The Post representatives from the beer distributors do not expect turn-around time for the licenses to take very long.

“They told me that, usually, in other counties were they operate, once the city approves the license application and the ABC Board receives a letter stating that approval, ABC grants the state license in seven to ten business days,” Tucker said.

If that estimation proves accurate, Gridiron and Walmart could begin alcohol sales as soon as the end of this week.