Aug. 8, 2011

Foundation to host concert for April 27 storm victims


The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama, a nonprofit organization serving a nine-county region, has announced it will host a free public event on Thursday, Aug. 11 at 6 p.m. to benefit its Tornado Recovery Fund.

The event, which will be held at the Cherokee Arena in Centre, located at 801 Cedar Bluff Road, will include a benefit concert by local party band Tyn Times.
“On April 27, hundreds of thousands of lives were changed by the storms,” said Eula Tatman, interim president and CEO of The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama. “Immediately following the storms, we established an emergency assistance fund with a focus to rebuild homes in Calhoun, Cherokee, DeKalb, Etowah and Talladega counties.”

While thousands of dollars and volunteer hours have been donated toward restoration efforts, The Community Foundation plans to work on rebuilding homes and lives. Attendees at the concert in Centre will be able to support the recovery efforts by making online, check or cash donations at the event.

In addition, donations will be matched, dollar-for-dollar by The Patterson Foundation in Sarasota, Fla. At the event, the private foundation will make a special announcement about a challenge gift it will award to The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama to help inspire Tornado Recovery Fund donations.

“The challenge gift will provide funds to nonprofit agencies, religious organizations and public entities that provide long-term disaster recovery assistance to communities in Northeast Alabama,” said Debra Jacobs, president and CEO of The Patterson Foundation. “We are committed to providing relief during natural and manmade disasters. With this matching challenge, everyone can double their donations and have a greater impact.”

Matching funds will be used to seed a tornado relief fund benefiting Calhoun, Cherokee, DeKalb, Etowah and Talladega counties. All of the funds received will be used to help the Northeast Alabama region recover.

“We encourage everyone in the community to come out, have fun with your family, and support your neighbors in rebuilding Northeast Alabama,” Tatman said.

The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama is a qualified public charity recognized by the Attorney General of Alabama and the Internal Revenue Service. Currently, the Foundation is comprised of over 110 funds totaling more than $25 million and awarding $15 million in grants and scholarships.