March 28, 2011

Families of all Japanese KTH Leesburg workers OK


CENTRE — In response to a request from The Post, officials at KTH Leesburg Products (KLP) last week released a statement regarding the effects the earthquake-tsunami-nuclear crisis in Japan has had so far on Japanese employees and overall operations at the Leesburg facility.

In a letter, company spokesman Gene Cleveland said the destruction in Japan has been weighing on employees in Leesburg since the first horrifying images of shaking buildings and a 30-foot wall of water began appearing on TV screens worldwide.

"The Japanese people have really been on the hearts and minds of the associates here at KTH Leesburg Products since the tragedy occurred," Cleveland said. "We are very glad to report that the family members living in Japan of the four Japanese associates who work here are all OK. This has been a big relief for all of us to know this."

Cleveland said KLP has already made a contribution to the American Red Cross to help with the Japan relief efforts.

"In addition, any contributions being made by our associates to the Red Cross for aid to Japan will also be matched by the company," Cleveland said. "They need a lot of help over there and our associates and company are all pitching in to make a difference."

Cleveland said plant officials in Leesburg have been closely monitoring the situation in Japan to try and stay out in front of any production schedule changes that may result from Japan's damaged infrastructure.

"News from our parent company in Japan is that damage to their facilities has been minimal, and production capabilities have been restored," Cleveland said. "We will continue to monitor the situation."

KLP, a subsidiary of Ohio-based KTH Parts Industries which builds frame components for Honda cars and vans, will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its production facility in Leesburg later this year.